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Curriculum Rationale

Why we learn (intent):

By the time our children leave St Saviour’s Catholic Primary and Nursery School, they will have mastered a range of skills that will support their future development.

These are:

  • To be enthusiastic, inquisitive, lifelong learners
  • To be strong communicators
  • To be well-rounded, independent and resilient learners with aspirations
  • To develop and use their God given talents by being creative
  • To be responsible citizens who are eager to make a positive contribution to their community and wider society

Reading is prioritised across the curriculum to support pupils in in accessing all learning opportunities. Children enjoy reading in class, learning phonics through a systematic approach (Little Wandle) and a shared reading approach further up the school which is based on high quality texts. Children develop a love of reading through exciting, well-resourced class reading corners, daily shared reading sessions alongside quality and engaging texts across the curriculum.

How we teach (implementation):

The way we teach at St Saviour’s is based on high expectations for all. We have a belief in teaching for depth and mastery so that our children are supported to reach at least age-related expectations in all areas.

We use the National Curriculum to ensure every teacher teaches the knowledge and understanding appropriate to that age group.

We believe in ‘Quality First’ teaching for all children. Through robust, ongoing assessments, we identify SEN children and then put in place rigorous, clear interventions to address any identified gaps in learning at the earliest opportunity.

Teachers plan the curriculum for their year group and use knowledge organisers to ensure consistency. Our curriculum is well mapped out to ensure it is not only engaging and relevant, but also cohesive so learning is built upon year by year.  

We also use trips and visits to enhance learning experiences. At St Saviour’s, we have invested in a range of specialist’s teachers to enhance our curriculum. These include sports coaches and Spanish and music teachers.

Assessment is used daily in the form of Assessment for Learning. This informs planning for future lessons and identifies where further individual or group support is needed. We use the ‘Sonar’ software package to track pupil progress and attainment in Reading, Writing, Maths and Science. Foundation Subjects are assessed using low risk summative topic tests.

Subject Leaders receive up to date training so they have a clear understanding of their roles and responsibilities in curriculum design and delivery. They have the knowledge, expertise and practical skills to carry out this role to the best of their ability, closely supported by senior leaders.

Our curriculum provides children with memorable experiences, diverse and rich opportunities from which they can learn and develop a range of transferable skills.

As a result (impact):

The impact of our school’s curriculum can be seen in the pupil’s books; as well as in pupil data and through pupil voice. Outcomes for all groups of pupils within the school are strong. Everything we do has the child at the centre, and strong relationships are built between pupils and staff, which creates an atmosphere for learning which is conducive to success.

Pupils’ progress in the core subjects is measured through ongoing assessments and through three key assessment points during the year. Pupil data is analysed across the core subjects to ensure attainment and progress is on track in each year group. Interventions are planned, implemented and evaluated for targeted pupils. Learning tasks are planned to address misconceptions/gaps in learning.

Pupils not only leave St Saviour’s with a secure understanding of the primary curriculum; but also with the understanding of how to be socially, morally, spiritually and culturally responsible and aware; how to make positive contributions to our community and how to endeavour to be the best that they can be. They leave being pupils who are respectful, skilful, ambitious; who have a thirst for life, learning and all it has to offer.