RE Curriculum
Religious Education – Curriculum Time Allocation
God is at the centre of the learning process at St Saviour’s and Religious Education is at the heart of the curriculum. With this in mind, RE at St. Saviour’s will never be confined to just ‘timetabled slots’ but will take place in a variety of contexts throughout every day. Specifically structured lessons will also take place.
10% of direct teaching time throughout the school (2.5 hours per week) is allocated to Religious Education as stated in our Statement of Justification.
Programme of Study
In line with Diocesan guidance, the school follows ‘The Way, The Truth and The Life’ programme of Religious Education. ‘The Way, The Truth and The Life’ Programme of Study is underpinned by four key areas of learning: Revelation; The Church; Celebration and the Life of Christ.
Teaching and Learning
At St. Saviour’s we have high expectations. We teach R.E. in a creative way using a multi-sensory and cross curricular approach where appropriate, which enables all children to access learning and actively participate alongside their peers. Work is planned to meet the individual needs of children and is appropriate to their level of development for R.E. Children are encouraged to foster the search for meaning, value and purpose to completely fulfil their potential. We believe that for effective learning to take place the children require opportunities to inquire, question, develop responses and formulate their owns views about fundamental questions. We do this by trying to develop within the children a positive attitude of enthusiasm, curiosity, respect and reflection.
Other Religions
We live in a pluralistic society with people of different races, cultures and religions. At St. Saviour’s we believe it is important to prepare children for the challenges of living in modern Britain as part of a diverse, fast changing, global world, and so our children are taught about other faiths. They learn specifically about Judaism through the RE Programme of Study ‘The Way, The Truth and The Life’ and have opportunities to learn about other faiths through a variety of initiatives such as ‘Interfaith week’, cross-curricular links (for example, with history and geography), visitors to school, assemblies and trips out of school. This teaching is in accordance with the Catholic Directory as specified by the Bishops Conference of England and Wales.
‘Within our schools we are seeking to educate all pupils of whatever religion to be able to live a way of life that integrates their beliefs with all other aspects of what it means to be human. As part of this, they must learn to live alongside others who are different and hold alternative views, including religious views.’
(Para 201, ‘Meeting God in Friend and Stranger.’ Catholic Bishops’ Conference of England and Wales; Section 205)
Assessment, Monitoring and Recording and Reporting
Assessment of RE is a continual process. All R.E. work is assessed, monitored, recorded and reported in line with whole school policy, and is included alongside Mathematics and English in whole school monitoring cycles. All R.E. data is presented to governors on a termly basis, and this is used to identify trends and address any potential areas of weakness across the school. As well as this, and in line with the Catholic Directory as specified by the Bishops Conference of England and Wales, R.E. is formally assessed on a termly basis through written tasks.
Whole School Community Involvement
At St. Saviour’s we believe that children should develop a sense of social responsibility and respect and develop strong links within the local community. As a school community led by the School Council, we hold fund raising events for many local and international charities. St. Saviour’s takes an active part in a local cluster group of Catholic Schools both primary and secondary. Head teachers meet regularly and work together to discuss and promote Catholic teaching values.
There is a strong partnership with St. Saviour’s Parish with visits from both parish priests for assemblies and other acts of worship which are regularly held in school, and our KS2 pupils participate in the celebration of the Eucharist at St Mary of the Angels RC Church on a weekly basis. We have recently created a Mini Vinnies group in order to work closer with our parish and the SVP group. We also work closely with the parish and parents to support the children in their preparation for First Forgiveness and Holy Communion.
As well as this, our Front Line Actions provide the children with the opportunity to collaborate with our school and parish communities. Based on the Catholic Social Teaching principles, each half term the children in our school come together to actively participate in the life of our community, helping to build God’s Kingdom and bringing the Good News to those who are in most need.
At St. Saviour’s, through forgiveness and love and in a safe environment, we help each other to be what God created us to be and to be confident and independent citizens in His world. We are a caring school where every individual is highly valued and able to learn and grow in an ethos of mutual love and respect.