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Year 4


In our Literacy lessons we are exploring the poem 'The River' by Valerie Bloom. 

We will be exploring the structure of the poem and learning how to use metaphors, personification and rhyme. 

We will learn more about rivers to help us to generate ideas for our sentence stacking lessons. 




During guided reading lessons we are exploring an extract taken from 'My Brother is a Superhero' by David Solomons. 

We are practising our reading fluency skills and ensuring we read punctuation when we are reading out loud. We will be exploring the meanings of new words in context and making sense of what we read by showing the correct sequence of events.  We will be answering retrieval questions and using our inference skills with support.    


Click on the book to find out more about the author!



In maths, we are extending our knowledge of place value. We will be looking at how to represent and partition numbers up to 1000 and then to 10,000. We will be exploring thousands, how to use number lines and beginning to use flexible partitioning. 

Click on the image to find lots of place value games.  



Remember to log into TTRS to practise your times tables.



Religious Education

We will be learning all about 'Creation and Covenant'



Our science topic this half-term is all about 'Living Things and their Habitats'. 



We are learning all about the Aztecs. 




Our art topic this term is 'textiles'. 



PE with Miss Burke will be 'Communication and Tactics' as part of the Outdoor Adventurous Activities topic. 

PE with Luke will be football. 




Children should be reading for at least 15 minutes per day. Please, record your child's reading homework in their reading diary. These will be checked daily.


Children should be learning their timetables for at least 10 minutes per day on Times Tables Rock Stars. 


Children should be practising their spellings for at least 10 minutes per day on Spelling Frame. Children should complete their online spelling test on Tuesday or Wednesday ready for their test on Thursday morning. 

*Children will be tested on their spelling and times tables every Thursday. They will take their test books home every Friday to share their achievements with parents. Please ensure they are brought back into school on Monday morning.*


Children will receive a piece of homework based around their maths learning that has taken place in the classroom or arithmetic. This will be given out on Monday's and returned to school on Thursday morning. This homework should take around 20 minutes to complete. 


Children will receive either a reading, writing or SPAG task. This homework should take around 20 minutes to complete. It will be given out on Monday's and returned to school on Thursday morning. 

We have writing, reading and maths lessons every morning through the week. In the afternoons we have science, RE, art, history, Spanish and PE lessons. 

Monday- Singing assembly and story time. 

Tuesday-  Story time.

Wednesday- Gospel assembly and story time. 

Thursday- Spelling and Times tables test, visit to the school library and book talk. 

Friday- Praise assembly, PE and independent reading. 







Wednesday 12th - Friday 14th February: York Residential