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Year 5

Welcome to Year 5

Welcome to Year 5! We have lots of exciting things planned for this year. With lots of different trips planned and some very exciting topics to learn all about. As always if you have any issues or questions, please do contact me. 

Thank you

Mrs Johnson


Over the next few weeks we will be looking at decimals, negative numbers, converting different units using metres, centimetres, millilitres, litres tec and different measurements. 

It's very important that we keep learning our timetables up to 12 x 12. Please continue to practise them. 

Please follow the links at the bottom of the page for different games linked to all topics that we are looking at this term. 


During this term we will be looking at The Present, which is a short video clip by Jacob Frey. Here a little boy receives a present that changes his life and will take him away from his computer games. We will be looking at the pros and cons of being outside and computer games.


In Year 5 we love to read! I really enjoy hearing about all the different books you have been reading in school or at home. It is so important to make sure we read daily, as this helps with our imaginations and use the language we have learnt in our own writing.

During our guided reading sessions this half-term we will be looking at lots of different fiction and non-fiction pieces. Here we will be looking to find the answer in the text and giving reasons for the answers.

Please click the link and this will take you to the Oxford Owl website with free library eBooks. You may need to ask an adult to register for you, and you can select eBooks to listen to or read on your computer or tablet.

Oxford Owl Reading Books 
Oxford Owl Reading Books


This term will be looking at different scientists and inventors. Over the next few weeks we will look at Sir David Attenborough in more detail as we have recently written a biography on him. We will also be looking at Eva Crane and her work with bees and also Margret Hamilltion and her work with NASA. 

Religious Education 

This term we will be looking at the Other Faiths and what they believe, how and who they worship, different religious buildings and books. We will also look at how they link to Christianity. 


This term's PE sessions take place on Wednesday and Thursday. Your child will now come home in their PE kit. Please make sure that your child brings their kit back the following day. Thank you


Every Friday, your child will be sent home with arithmetic homework as a paper copy. Spellings will be uploaded onto Spelling Frame and be set weekly. 


Walking Home Alone

 In preparation for high school, children in Year 5 and Year 6 whose parents have given written consent will be allowed to walk home alone at the end of the day. If you would like your child to walk home alone, please contact our school office at

Mobile phones

Children in Year 5 who are walking home may bring a mobile phone to school. During the day it will be switched off and kept safely in the classroom stock cupboard where children cannot access it. They will be handed to children at the end of the day to go home.

All classrooms have clocks, but children may wear a simple analogue or digital watch to school as it can help them learn to tell the time. However, no Apple or smartwatches please. These will be considered as a mobile device.

Useful links and Resources

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Long multiplication in simple steps

Step-by-step guide to long multiplication

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