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Welcome to Year 3!

Teacher: Miss Burrows

Teaching Assistant: Mrs Kitchen


Key Timetable Days


Monday -

  • Hymn practise
  • Children will take part in a Spanish and PE lesson.
  • All arithmetic and spelling books need to be returned to school.
  • Year 3 School Library Visit 
  • Story time (20 minutes)


  • Class prayer
  • Story time - class story (20 minutes)
  • PE Day


  • Gospel Assembly
  • Independent Reading (20 minutes)

Thursday -

  • Spelling and arithmetic tests take place
  • Class Prayer
  • Story time (20 minutes)

Friday -

  • Praise Assembly
  • New spelling homework is set on SpellingFrame  & arithmetic homework is sent home as a paper copy alongside your Times Tables Rock Stars ( log in for practise.  Please use your own login's to complete the online Spelling Frame 'test' and TTRS practise before your Thursday tests at school. 
  • Children will take part in a Music and PE lesson. 
  • Book Talk (20 minutes)


Summer 2 Learning


In our literacy lessons, we will be exploring part of the text 'The Gardener' by Sarah Stewart.

We will continue to develop our writing skills through our sentence stacking lessons as we build up to our independent writing task. 

Grammar, punctuation and spelling - KS2 English - BBC Bitesize



During our guided reading lessons this half-term, Year 3 will continue to analyse the non-fiction text 'My skin, Your Skin' by Lauran Henry-Allain and begin to analyse the poem 'Strict' by Michael Rosen. 

In our lessons, we will be practising our reading fluency, understanding word meanings in context, summarising and answering retrieval questions. We will use our inference skills to zoom in closer as we look at themes, characters and events in the texts. 

Storyteller videos - Oxford Owl

Oxford Owl Library - Free ebooks


In Maths, we will be diving deeper into our 'measurement' knowledge to look at the topics of 'money' and 'time'. As we work through our topics, we will apply our mathematical knowledge to word problems. We are continuing to practise our times tables recall to ensure we are increasing in accuracy and speed.  

Times Tables Rock Stars ( 

Daily 10 - Mental Maths Challenge - Topmarks


In our RE lessons this half-term, we will focus on what it means to be a Christian. We will look closely at Bible stories to help us to understand that Jesus teaches about helping others, and we will reflect on how we can help others in our lives.  As a class, we will focus on on the importance of prayer and we will think about different ways of praying. 


Science - 

Scientists and Inventors 

Geography - 


History -

British Heroes 

Design Technology -


Art -


Physical Education - 

Athletics and Competitions

Computing - 

Music -

Spanish - 

Year 3 Statutory Spelling Words

Waffle, Maggie and Mollie

Waffle, Maggie and Mollie are an important part of St Saviour's school life. They love visiting the classrooms and bringing joy to children and staff. They are gentle, caring dogs who love adventures around the school grounds. All three dogs regularly visit Year 3 to comfort children, listen to a story or wander around supporting us with our learning tasks.