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Year 4


In our Literacy lessons we are exploring the book 'The Lost Thing' by Shaun Tan. 

We have explored sentence stacking lessons to help us to develop our literacy skills. Over the next few weeks we will be planning and creating an alternative ending for the story using the grammatical skills that we have learnt over the past few weeks. 

Click on the image to watch the animated story. 



During guided reading lessons we are exploring the poem Sea Fever by John Masefield.  

 We are practising our reading fluency, understanding word meanings in context and making sense of what we read by creating a summary. We will be answering retrieval questions and using our inference skills.     Click on the text to listen to the poem. 




In maths we are learning all about the time. We will secure our knowledge of years, months, weeks and days along with hours, minutes and seconds. We will learn how to tell the time on an analogue and 12-hour digital clock before developing our knowledge of the 24-hour digital clock. 

Click on the image if you would like to play games to help you develop you skills with reading and understanding time. 





We have been working extremely hard to learn all of our timetables up to 12X12 with quick and accurate recall!

Don't forget to log in to Times Tables Rock Stars every day! 


Religious Education

We will be learning all about 'The Church'.  

We will explore the people and roles within the Church and focus particularly on the role of the priest. We will secure our knowledge of the Liturgical calendar and discuss feasts and celebrations important to Christian's throughout the year.  Children will discover how God calls individuals such as Mother Teresa and Pope Francis.  

Click on the image below to find out more about the liturgical calendar. 



Our science topic this half-term is all about scientists and inventors. We will explore the work of Alexander Graham Bell, Thomas Edison, Lewis Latimer and Garrett Morgan. 



We are learning all about the rainforest! We will begin by exploring biomes and understanding vegetation belts. We will identify the position and significance of the Equator and the tropics of Capricorn and Tropics of Cancer. We will find out what  rainforest is and where they are located. We will learn the layers of vegetation and climates within rainforests. 

Click on the image to find out more about rainforests.

Why rainforests matter - EcoMatcher


Design Technology

In design technology lessons we will be designing and making an electrical product. We will look at how electrical products meet the needs of the user, create design criteria to help them to construct and evaluate their product. 



Children will be developing their athletic skills and applying it to competitions. 



Children will be exploring more about money such as what we can use money for, how it helps other people, how can look after our money, how money makes us feel and where our money comes from. 




Children should be reading for at least 20 minutes per day. Please, record your child's reading homework in their reading log. These will be checked daily.


Children should be learning their timetables for at least 10 minutes per day on Times Tables Rock Stars and completing the weekly paper homework which should be returned to school on Thursday morning. 


Children should be practising their spellings for atleast 10 minutes per day on SpellingFrame. Children should complete their online spelling test on Tuesday or Wednesday ready. 


*Children will be tested on their spelling and times tables every Thursday. They will take their test books home every Friday to share their achievements with parents. Please ensure they are brought back into school on Monday morning.*


We have writing, reading and maths lessons every morning through the week. In the afternoons we have science, RE, DT and geography. 

Monday- Singing assembly, Spanish with Mrs Bellas and story time. 

Tuesday- PE; competitions and storytime.

Wednesday- Gospel assembly and storytime. 

Thursday- Spelling and Times tables test, visit to the school library and book talk. 

Friday- Praise assembly, PE; athletics, music with Mrs Allen and independent reading. 



Thursday 20th June: RE retreat day at Ellesmere Port Catholic High


Tuesday 11th June: DangerPoint and Talacre beach