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Year 5




During this term we will be exploring the book 'Lights on Cotton Rock' and the poem 'The ​ Listeners'.

We will be using sentence stacking lessons to build upon our ideas as we focus on new writing styles and techniques to engage our readers. We will work both collaboratively and independently to write, edit and publish our work. 



In Year 5 we love to read! I really enjoy hearing about all the different books you have beenMy thoughts on our new book Wolf Brother by Michelle Paver and ... reading in school or at home. It is so important to make sure we read daily as this helps with our imaginations, develops and improves our language and it helps us to develop our own writing skills.

During our guided reading lessons this half-term, Year 5 will look at a variety of fiction and non-fiction texts. We will be practising our reading fluency, understanding word meanings in context, summarising and answering retrieval questions. We will use our inference skills to zoom in closer as we look at themes, characters and events in the texts. 


Across the year, we will be challenging and developing our knowledge of place value, addition, subtraction, division and multiplication. As we work through the four operations, we will apply our mathematical knowledge to various word problems. The children will work on solving the word problems with increasing independence using manipulatives from around the classroom to build their confidence before moving onto pictorial and abstract representations. 


In our RE lessons this half-term, our unit is called 'Creation and Covenant'. 


    Science - 


The children will be exploring different materials and their properties, including key vocabulary such as conductor, insulator, dissolve, change of state. Have a look at our class gallery below for some more images of our exciting experiments! 

History –

The Ancient Greeks

The class will be looking at how the ancient Greeks lived, from the daily lives and differences between boys and girls in Sparta and Athens, to which gods the Greeks worshipped and why this was different for different people. Children will learn words like polytheistic, oligarchy and primary source and link these words to the information they have learnt. 

Art -


In art, we are exploring photography. This medium of art provides space for different types of investigation. From considering lighting, to editing and cropping final photographs, deciding which they would display in a gallery. 


Systems and videos

During computing lessons, the children will be learning all about networks and systems, including how web crawlers and how these are used to scan and rank internet searches. Through this, we will also be exploring how to stay safe online and what they should do if they come across anything that makes them feel uncomfortable.

After our work on systems, we will be exploring videos. We will look at what makes a video effective and how different techniques are used to engage the audience. They will then use these skills to make their very own video.

Physical Education - 

Hockey and Orienteering 

In teacher-led PE this half-term, the class are learning about hockey. Lessons will focus on how to dribble, shoot successfully into a goal, and how to apply learnt knowledge to game situations. 




Children should read for at least 15 minutes per day. Please, record your child's reading homework in their reading diary. These will be checked daily.


Children should be learning their timetables for at least 10 minutes per day on TTRS.

 Click here to access Times Tables Rockstars.


Children should be practising their spellings for at least 10 minutes per day on Spelling Frame. Children should complete their online spelling test on Tuesday or Wednesday to be ready for their test on Thursday morning. 


Children will receive a piece of homework based around their maths learning that has taken place in the classroom or arithmetic. This will be given out on a Monday and returned to school on Thursday morning. This homework should take around 20 minutes to complete. 


Children will receive either a reading, writing or SPaG task. This homework should take around 20 minutes to complete. It will be given out on a Monday and returned to school on Thursday morning. 

Walking Home Alone

 In preparation for high school, children in Year 5 and Year 6 whose parents have given written consent will be allowed to walk home alone at the end of the day. If you would like your child to walk home alone, please contact our school office at

Mobile phones

Children in Year 5 who are walking home may bring a mobile phone to school. During the day it will be switched off and kept safely in the classroom stock cupboard where children cannot access it. They will be handed to children at the end of the day to go home.

All classrooms have clocks, but children may wear a simple analogue or digital watch to school as it can help them learn to tell the time. However, no Apple or smartwatches please. These will be considered as a mobile device.

Useful links and Resources

Class Gallery